New Destinations Teacher's Resource

New Destinations Teacher's Resource
Please note that some of the materials are only available to teachers using New Destinations. If you can’t access certain materials and you think you are entitled to them, please contact our customer service:
The interactive whiteboard material can be used after it is downloaded and installed on a local computer, so it will run when there is no internet available.

Download and install
- New Destinations Beginners IWB - download
- New Destinations Elementary IWB - download
- New Destinations Pre-Intermediate IWB - download
- New Destinations Intermediate IWB - download
- New Destinations B1+ IWB - download
- New Destinations B2 IWB - download
The class CD can be downloaded by clicking the following link. This is a zip-file containing all audio in MP3 format

Extra materials (PDF formátum)
- New Destinations Beginners Extra Material
- New Destinations Elementary Extra Material
- New Destinations Pre-Intermediate Extra Material
- New Destinations Intermediate Extra Material
- New Destinations Beginners Portfolio
- New Destinations Elementary Portfolio
- New Destinations Pre-Intermediate Portfolio
- New Destinations Intermediate Portfolio
New Destinations Beginners & Elementary
- Vocabulary picture dictionary
- Vocabulary activities
- Key to vocabulary activities
- Diagnostic test questions
- Key to diagnostic test questions
- Project: Class survey: Free time
- Project: My neighbourhood
- Project: An endangered animal
- Project: A feel good poster
- Project: A brochure about a country
- Differences between British English and Amercian English
- Phonetic symbols
- Learning tips
- Writing correction guidelines
New Destinations Pre-Intermediate
- Vocabulary activities
- Key to vocabulary activities
- Diagnostic test questions
- Key diagnostic test questions
- Project: The world's tallest buildings
- Project: A newspaper front page
- Project: Clean-up day
- Project: Have you ever thought of exploring the Antartic
- Project: An adventure holiday plan
- Differences between British English and Amercian English
- Phonetic symbols
- Learning tips
- Writing correction guidelines
New Destinations Intermediate B1
- Vocabulary activities
- Key to vocabulary activities
- Diagnostic test questions
- Key diagnostic test questions
- Project: A terrible holiday experience
- Project: My CV
- Project: Take action
- Project: Extreme sports
- Differences between British English and American English
- Phonetic symbols
- Learning tips
- Writing correction guidelines
- Vocabulary activities
- Key to vocabulary activities
- Diagnostic test questions
- Key to diagnostic test questions
- Differencies between British English and American English
- Phonetic symbols
- Exam tips
- Writing correction guidelines
Module tests, Mid-term test and Final tests available in PDF-format or modifiable Word format. The file contains the key to the exercises. Click on the right format to download the file.

- New Destinations Beginners Tests
- New Destinations Beginners Tests Key
- New Destinations Elementary Tests
- New Destinations Elementary Tests Key
- New Destinations Pre-Intermediate Tests
- New Destinations Pre-Intermediate Tests Key
- New Destinations Intermediate Tests
- New Destinations Intermediate Tests Key
- New Destinations B1+ Tests
- New Destinations B1+ Tests Key
- New Destinations B2 Tests
- New Destinations B2 Tests Key

Word format
- New Destinations Beginners Tests
- New Destinations Elementary Tests
- New Destinations Pre-Intermediate Tests
- New Destinations Intermediate Tests
- New Destinations B1+ Tests
- New Destinations B2 Tests

Audio for tests